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Showing posts with label uncategorized. Show all posts

Wednesday, 22 August 2018


Scare your friends with a harmless random matrix virus program. This can be created using the notepad in your PC.
1. Enter Notepad (you can search the windows for notepad).
2. Type in the following program:
     @echo off
      color 02
      echo: %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random% (for as many times as you like)
      goto :start
3. Save the program with .bat extension (e.g. name.bat)
4 Run the program.
See video for illustration.
Read also: How to communicate with other computers on your network.

Monday, 2 July 2018


9 USEFUL shortcut keys for excel
1. Inserting the total ….. "alt" + =
2. Inserting the correct time….. "Ctrl" + "shift" + ";"
3. Inserting the correct date….. "Ctrl" + ";"
4. Highlighting a column…. "Ctrl" + "space bar"
5. Highlighting a row….. "shift" + "space bar"
6. Removing a column…. "Ctrl" + "0"
7. Removing a row… "Ctrl" + "9"
8. A new line in a cell…. "Alt" + "enter"
9. Show/hide formula…. "Ctrl" + "~"

14 useful keyboard shortcuts in word
1. Change font size: “Ctrl” + “[“ for increasing font, or  ”]” for reducing font
2. Change letter case: “Ctrl” + “shift” + “A”
3. Change to bold: “Ctrl” + “B”
4. Change to italic: “Ctrl” + “I”
5. Underline text: “Ctrl” + “U”
6. Change text alignment: “Ctrl” + “E”, “Ctrl” + “R” , Ctrl+L, Ctrl+J
7. Copy/paste formatting…. "Ctrl" + "shift" + "C", "Ctrl" + "shift" + "V"
8. Remove formatting…. "Ctrl" + "shift" + "N"
9. Insert time…. "Ctrl" + "shift" + 'T"
10. Insert date…. "Alt" + "shift" + "D"
11. Print document… "Ctrl"  + "P"
12. Insert hyperlink… "Ctrl" + "K"
13. Insert page break…. "Ctrl" + "enter"
14. Highlight vertically…. 'Alt' then move the mouse

Monday, 25 June 2018


Communicating with other computers on your network is easy using the command prompt. All you need is your friend's IP address.
1. Open the Notepad
2. Type the following:
    @echo off
    echo MESSENGER
    set /p n=User:(type the IP address here without the brackets)
    set /p m=Message:(enter your message without the brackets)
    net send %n%%m%
    Goto :start
3. Now save as AnyName.bat
4. Open the .bat file and type any message you want to send.
5. Message should look like this.
    User: 56. 104. 102. 109
    Message: Hi
6. Now press Enter and your message will be sent.

Read also: How to recover files from corrupted flash or memory card

Friday, 15 June 2018


Your computer has to be safe. There are some things you need in order to keep your Computer safe. Here are #10 safety tips to keep your computer safe.

1. Use Anti-Virus Software
Anti-Virus Software is one good protection against Viruses that can affect your computer. Most viruses spreads through internet download and emails, some spread through the network and others spread through USB disk drives.
It isn't all about installing an Anti-Virus Software, try and update the Software. Most Anti-Virus Software updates itself, but if yours doesn't, try keeping it updated.
Virus isn't the only way to keep your computer safe, besides Anti-Virus can only protect your computer from known viruses, hackers are writing virus everyday, so follow other steps to keep your computer safe.

2. Careful with your Downloads
One easy way for hackers to install malware(bad programs) on your computer is by convincing you to install them yourself. Most malware on web hides as small useful programs.
The software you thought you were installing quietly installs a few extra programs you didn't request for. some of them will display ads and some will report details about you computer to hackers, some may open portals that can allow hackers access your computer.

3. Don't Trust Emails
Emails can be used to hacked your computer. a specified type of hacker called phishers use fake emails from respected internet companies to try to get into your passwords. After getting your passwords, they'll try to use it to empty your online bank accounts.
do not trust emails from anyone, including your mother. Not that your mother intentionally sent you a virus, but she won't know that the attachment she sent to you contains a virus.
don't download attachments unless they are in safe file format. don't click on links in your email and enter password.

4. Investigate your computer
Is there something goofy about your computer? Is it running slow? Are you getting strange error messages? Is your ISP complaining that you're sending too many emails?
all these needs to be investigated. Viruses often use computer processing power, making your computer slow. They often try to hide among each other program, causing strange error message. Viruses often send spam emails, making your ISP complain.
If you see any of these problems, start investigating until you figure it out.

5. Restrict Administrative Access
In a household or office where many people share computers, everyone is at the mercy of everyone else. no matter hoe safe you try to keep your computer, anyone else with administrator access can install a virus-infected program.
in these multi-user environments, it is better to restrict administrator access to only the users who can keep the computer safe.

6. Backup your computer
Nothing can keep your data safe than backing it up. backup is a simple way of keeping your data save so they can be restored if lost. try backing up your data files frequently.

7. Use different passwords for different sites
It's wise to use different password for different sites. hackers know most people use same password for different sites.
Each site you use should have a different password or, at least, you should use a different password for each site with access to your financial information. Protecting your online accounts is extremely important so do not neglect this.

8. Encrypt sensitive files
Even if you work really hard at avoiding viruses and other malware, you should be prepared for a chance that one will make it into your computer. backup protect your files from being deleted, but protect your sensitive files from hackers.
Encryption is the only thing that can protect your sensitive files. you can download a free encryption utility that provides just as much security. I recommend TrueCrypt encryption software.

9. Firewall
Firewall is a very good way to protect your computer. Even the free firewall that comes with all recent versions of window will protect your computer from automatic network virus attack.
If your anti-virus software comes with a firewall, I suggest you use it instead because it will probably be easy for you.

Wednesday, 6 June 2018


1. Bait and switch
Using bait and switch hacking technique, the hacker runs a malicious program which the user believes to be authentic. This way, after installing the malicious program on your computer, the hacker gets unprivileged access to your computer.
2. Cookie theft
The cookies of a browser keep our personal data such as browsing history, username, and passwords for different sites that we access. Once the hacker gets the access to your cookie, he can even authenticate himself as you on a browser.
3. ClickJacking Attacks
ClickJacking is also known by a different name, UI redress. In this attack, the hacker hides the actual UI where the victim is supposed to click.
In other words, the attacker hijacks the clicks of the victim that aren’t meant for the exact page, but for a page where the hacker wants you to be.
4. Virus, Trojan etc.
Virus or Trojans are malicious software programs which get installed into the victim’s system and keeps sending the victim’s data to the hacker.
5. Phishing
Phishing is a hacking technique using which a hacker replicates the most-accessed sites and traps the victim by sending that spoofed link.
Once the victim tries to login or enter some data, the hacker gets that private information of the target victim using the Trojan running on the fake site.
6. Eavesdropping (Passive Attacks)
Unlike other attacks which are active in nature, using passive attack, a hacker just monitors the computer system and networks to gain some unwanted information.
The motive behind eavesdropping is not to harm the system but to get some information without being identified.
7. Fake WAP
Even just for fun, a hacker can use software to fake a wireless access point. The WAP connects to the official public place WAP. Once you get connected the fake WAP, a hacker can access your data, just like in the above case.
8. Waterhole attack
If you are a big fan of Discovery of National Geographic channels, you could relate easily with the waterhole attacks. To poison a place, in this case, the hacker hits the most accessible physical point of the victim.
For example, if the source of a river is poisoned, it will hit the entire stretch of animals during summer. In the same way, hackers target the most accessed physical location to attack the victim. That point could be a coffee shop, a cafeteria etc.
Once a hackers are aware of your timings, they might create a fake Wi-Fi access point and modify your most visited website to redirect them to you to get your personal information.
9. Denial of Service (DoS/DdoS)
A Denial of Service attack is a hacking technique to take down a site or server by flooding that site or server with a lot of traffic that the server is unable to process all the requests in the real time and finally crashes down.
For DdoS attacks, hackers often deploy botnets or zombie computers which have got the only work to flood your system with request packets.
10. Key-logger
Key-logger is a hardware device of a software program that records the key sequence and strokes of your keyboard into a log file on your machine. These log files might even contain your personal email IDs and passwords.
Key-logger is one of the main reasons why online banking sites give you an option to use their virtual keyboards.

Thursday, 31 May 2018

what is a computer system?

What is a Computer System?
            A computer is a programmable machine designed to perform arithmetic and logical operations automatically and sequentially on the input given by the user and gives the desired output after processing
A System can be seen as a group of interrelated components that aims at attaining a common goal.
            A Comuter System is an electronic machine that operates under the control of instructions stored in its own memory that can accept data, process data following specific rules, produce result as information, and stores the result for future use.

            Just as the body system has so many parts that works together to make it function, the Computer System has different components that works together to make it function.

            There are five (5) basic components or functional units of a computer sytem, these functional units are; the input unit, the storage or memory unit, the central processing unit, the output unit, and the communication unit


Thursday, 10 May 2018


In the current world, it’s almost impossible to imagine that someone can live without computers. They have become an electronic device of almost every day use for individuals of every age, and essential in almost all the business dealings that are made nowadays.
The most that any industry has gained from the discovery of the computer is the business industry because of its nature.
In recent years they have gained significance as they have improved the efficiency and productivity of work done. Large amounts of information in industrial and business sectors as well as in the personal lives are stored on servers.
Computing can help businesses by making their staff efficient and productive and also save their valuable time in any business or office.
In schools they will help the learners to comprehend the basic concepts better with the help of video or audio examples.
In higher learning institutions they will help the professors and researchers to do their work very fast and in an efficient and better way and also help them to share the same knowledge with their other members of staff.
They also become a vital gadget in several sectors; railways, banking, electricity, telephone departments, shopping carts etc are just but a few of them.
Also they are used in the medical industry to help doctors in diagnosing the diseases quickly and efficiently.
All the administrative systems, whether private or public are now using these systems and this practice can be evident in every part of the world.
Computers have also helped the media and the entertainment industries. Be it a multi-million dollars movie or a two minutes commercial, they have changed the usual concept of providing entertainment to the public.
With the electronics business growing so fast, the industry has also brought about lots of inventions. Tablets, palmtops, and laptops have replaced the desktops.
With the decrease in size, it has become very easy to carry and use them anywhere you are to the fullest.
The importance of computers in our daily lives can be judged by the number of people using them each single day. They are not only used by professionals, but also by the little children learning coding and adults at our homes.
Today, everything related to your everyday life can be done in a few simple clicks.
You can order your breakfast online, you can read the newspapers online, you can work from the comfort of your home with the help of a laptop.
You can watch movies and videos through Youtube ect, you can listen to music through soundcloud, you can read novels and books through e-books, you can play games, you can also contact people and talk to them through your microphone and email.
These are just but a few things that can be done with the click of a button.

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